Reservoir Várzea das flores

Mariana Faria
Mariana Faria Anfitriã do Conexão Verde • 24 Março 2022

“Várzea das Flores” or “Vargem das Flores” is a dam built on Betim River, between the municipalities of Contagem and Betim city. The dam is controlled by “Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais”. The enterprise, called “Vargem das Flores” System, is an integral part of the “Paraopeba” Integrated System.

It started operating in 1972, with the objective of supplying Betim city, Contagem and Belo Horizonte city and is located within the Environmental Protection Area (APA).

Today it is under threat due to the “Rodoanel road” construction project, where its route passes very close to the water reservoir. Powering in an urban occupation in an area of ​​environmental preservation. Risk of drying up, drying up springs and, subsequently, the water reserve.

It is a work that studies show that it passes through areas of important technical aquifers, springs, forests. It is a project that cannot be done all of a sudden, it needs to be better designed and discussed with the cities of BH county.

“We will not accept that the “Rodoanel road” destroys “Vargem das Flores”. We are not going to exchange water for the road”



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